Saturday 13 April 2013

Supersets: Make The Most Of Your Time

Only have 60 minutes to spend in the gym? Many of us find it impossible to fit more than an hour of working out into our day. If you are looking for ways to maximise your 60 minutes in the gym, supersets could be the answer.

A superset is performed by alternating back and forth between two (or more) exercises for a prescribed amount of sets. This is usually done without a rest period between the exercises (for a more detailed explanation of the various types of supersets--click here).

In general, supersets are divided into two categories: Antagonistic and non-competing. An example of an antagonistic superset would be bicep curls with tricep pushdowns; while a non-competing superset could consist of chest press and calf raises. 

Choose your superset exercises wisely to avoid fatigue that would compromise the quality of the superset. For example, a deadlift/pull-up superset could be too stressful on your grip and therefore affect your form. Check out some great examples of supersets here, or ask your personal trainer to set some combinations for you. 

Another factor to take into consideration when setting your supersets is the layout of the equipment of your gym, and the time of day that you workout. Is there a jungle where you can easily pair your bicep curls and tricep pushdowns? Would it be sensible to take over the pull-up bar and the squat rack at the same time? Is there a power cage with pull-up bars instead? Do you go to gym at peak hours, when other members would be less than pleased with you hogging the equipment? Or are you able to train during quiet periods when you can have the pick?

Pair superset training with HIIT that we talked about last week, and you could be in and out of gym as quickly as possible, in time to be home for dinner with the family. Happy training!

The Personal Trainer,
Peak Physique

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